Meet Cindy Nemser - art critic, theatre critic, novelist, humorist, journalist, and ardent feminist.

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Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Cindy Nemser's Forum

4:19 PM Posted by Cindy Nemser No comments
Wednesday, November 6,2012=3 Cindy Nemser's archive is at the Getty Research Institute in California. There are tapes, published and unpublished books, articles, stories, a memoir about the 1970's art world entitled Firebrand: Tales of the 70's Art World Told by a Feminist Art Critic.Feminist Art Journal as well as the issues of Changes which contain articles by Nemser. There is also a roman a cléfé set in the 70's about 2 women artists trying to make it big in the art world of that time. The archive has lots of tapes that are interviews with men and women artists, as well as photographs, correspondence with artists, editors, fans etc. Cindy Nemser owns the copyright for all this material and anyone who wishes to publish any of it must contact her. She is looking for a publisher to reprint Art Talk: Conversation with 15 Women Artists, published 1975 and 95. She is also seeking a publisher for the memoir, the novels, etc. If you wish to contact Nemser call 1-718-857-9456 or email She is delighted to speak with people, both women and men who are interested in the inception of the feminist art movement from 1970 through 1977. There has been very little written about that period which erupted in Brooklyn and Manhattan in 1969-70. The impact of the Women's Interart Center has also been neglected. Many of the leaders of the movement: artists, art historians and critics have not been given credit for their amazing courage and stamina. It is time they got their due. How many of you know about the contributions of Irene Moss, June Blum, Dorothy Gillespie, Jacqueline Skiles, Ellen Lubell, Muriel Castanis, Carolyn Mazzello, Sylvianna Goldsmith, Juliet Gordon, Camille Billops, Ce Roser, Gloria Orenstein and so many others who actively make the feminist art revolution happen. Nemser, who was there at the first confrontation of women artists with Duncan Cameron, the director of the Brooklyn Museum, and at the first panel and speak out about the sexism faced by women in the arts tries fill in the missing history of the movement. She speaks from a personal viewpoint as a writer and editor and is not afraid to tell how the feminists fought the system by picketing and publishing, but also fought each other for the leadership of a so-called non hierarchical movement. The book is both a history of a revolution in the arts and a personal revelation of both the heights and depths of human behavior when the opportunity to shine


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